Wednesday, December 11, 2024

How to Embrace Humble Beginnings and Trust God's Timing


I looked at the desk. There were books everywhere. Some opened. Some closed. Some stacked. Two journals lay there with ink pen markings scribbled everywhere and doodles with arrows next to them to remind me to write this verse down and that word with this verse. My composition notebook was opened, too, halfway. I scribbled in blue and black ink the dates to watch branding website videos and reminders of PDFs to download while I watched. There were YouTube video captions and titles, email list options for automatic customer relationship management sites, and links to free masterclasses on podcasting, growing Instagram numbers, and Etsy marketing. Of course, the laptop was open, staring at me with the Blogger site open, along with 13 other tabs calling my attention. Where do I start? 

I took a picture to take it all in and heard the Lord whisper, "Do not despise small beginnings." 

At first, the scripture of my youth came to mind— the one that talks about a time and place for everything in Ecclesiastes. The verse tells you to be happy while you are young (Ecc. 11:9). But I'm past youth age. Still, I'm the youngest of many, though. Just sayin'. First Timothy 4:12 spoke about taking heed to your ministry. I knew the word despise was in the scripture, but I could have sworn there was another one I was missing. Zechariah 4:10 is what I was looking for: "Do not despise this small beginning, for the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin..." (Living Bible Translation)

Today, I "rested" in knowing it was okay to begin again. Rested is in quotations because I would have loved to take a literal nap, but I wasn't referring to sleep. I rested knowing what God's Word promised me. I rested in knowing that God said He was watching and rejoicing while I trusted Him so that I could begin again. 

Michael and I make eight months of marriage on December 20th. I am so excited! But beyond excitement is a feeling of gratitude because I wouldn't want to do this life alone now that he's in the picture. In February, when Mom passed, God sent Michael to me after one year of courting, and soon, I'd have to change my life. I'd leave the south, hot, sunkissed, good food and friends Louisiana, where I spent the past 16 years working in education for cold-mountain-snowing in the spring, bland food, but friendly hugs-Colorado, where I'd start a new business, have new church family, be in a new area with my new husband, in our new house. I didn't think I was ready. But God knew. 

When I looked at the desk pile today, I wanted to fall to my knees, but I went to Chat GPT instead. Study time! The prompt I typed was: "Good morning. Can you help me find Bible stories that resemble Zacariah 4:10—not despising small beginnings?"

The return I got from that prompt gave me over 15 scriptures, and then I got caught up reading for myself before attempting this blog post. I marveled at all the examples in the Word to remind us of God's faithfulness and how we aren't the only ones who had to start small. 

1. 1 Samuel 16:11-13 - David's early days as a shepherd. You do know little ole Dave was the one who slayed the giant Goliath with three rocks, right? He was the one who was looked over when Samuel came to the house and rejected him among all his brothers. Nobody wanted a scrawny shepherd boy who scared away wolves and reigned in herds of sheep. And then, David is the one who was known to be a man after God's own heart. He started off playing the harp and lyre under King Saul. Later on down the line, we see him rise to King David. Small beginnings. 

2. Judges 6-7—Gideon and the 300 warriors. Before he moved, Gideon asked God about four times to prove He was God. He's the one who asked God to wet the cloth with the morning dew. When Gideon finally accepted his strength and God's call to him to lessen the number of warriors, he obeyed and got to work. 

3. 2 Kings 4:1-7 - The widow's oil. Her husband revered the Lord, but he died, and he was in debt, so her two sons were going to be enslaved to pay the creditor. Elisha came and told her to knock on all of her neighbor's doors and collect jars of clay. With her one tiny jar of olive oil, she shut the door and filled every jar she had from all around. When the jars ran out, the oil stopped. Talk about a small beginning. How do you go from one jar to many? What a miracle. 

4. John 6:1-14 - The feeding of the 5,000. 

5. Exodus 4:1-17 - Moses and his staff. This story was one I had to read again. How many times did the Lord tell Moses to get up, but Moses kept downplaying himself? He had to work miracles with his hands. Finally, the revelation came in verse 12 when God said, "Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say." And what was Moses known for? Leading the people to the Promised Land. He didn't enter in, but that's another story. We'll focus on the part of the small beginning here. 

6. Matthew 13:31-32 - The parable of the mustard seed. Our faith is supposed to be this small - at the start. But a mustard seed can grow into a large tree - where birds can rest, that provides shade to home, and is a resource of many things. 

7. Genesis 37-41 - Joseph's journey from the prison to the palace. You already know this one. The coat of many colors. Sold into slavery by his own brothers. They played him. But ultimately, he ruled because he was faithful to the Lord. Talk about small beginnings and rough ones, too!

8. Ruth 2-4 - The story of Ruth and Boaz, her faithful gleaning and his preparation. This is a story of loyalty. Later on, she became a queen. 

9. 1 Samuel 3 - Samuel's calling as a child. 

10. Mark 12:41-44 - the widow's offering. Don't get this one twisted with the widow and the clay jars. It hits differently here because now we are talking about the fear of the Lord, as in reverence and sacrifice. She gave more than the rich because she gave out of what she had.  

11. Esther 2-9 - Esther's rise from orphan to queen. 

12. Luke 2:1-7 - Jesus's birth in a manger. It's Christmas time. You know the story. From "baby Jesus" to BIG God. That's it. 

13. 1 Kings 18:41-45 - Elijah's small cloud of rain. We are talking about a miracle-working God who hears us before we even ask what's next. 

14. Matthew 4:18-22 - From fishers to fishers of men. The disciples all had varied backgrounds, but fishermen becoming God's chosen ones? Definitely small beginnings. 

15. 1 Kings 17:7-16- The widow of Zarephath and the flour and oil to make bread. C'mon Jesus! God will use what you're working with - if you let Him!

I'm going to stop here for now and post because it's too good! I'll add the examples I found from Chat GPT to the post later. Drop your responses in the comments if you know any of these stories or if one may even sound like yours! 

Do not despise THIS small beginning. 

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