Tuesday, December 10, 2024

7 Must-Read Scriptures to Overcome Lazy Habits

I could start by giving you a more fancy title like How to Get Rid of Laziness for Good or The #1 Mistake Most Believers Make in Business. But the truth of the matter is there is only ONE answer - Jesus. Yeah, we're already jumping in and getting "spiritual." You know what you came here for when you clicked the link. Ha! God gave Nike inspiration before it was even a brand. The first user was Moses when he heard the command to "just do it." LOL 

I'll prove it to you, but you should read the entire scripture/ passage in context for yourself. 

God has been speaking to me lately. At first, I thought he wasn't saying anything, but I got spiritual downloads and confirmations of things I knew I could do and should do. I was getting gentle nudges, but he started pushing harder after a while because I'd been dragging my feet, second-guessing what he'd already placed in me. Let today's post encourage you to get up and do what he told you to do. No questions asked. God isn't mad when we get a little fearful or second-guess ourselves, but he gets downright aggravated and annoyed when we start making him seem powerless when that is the complete opposite of his character. 

To be found faithful, obedience is necessary. And to be obedient, action is needed. I can't just talk or pray about it - only. I have to be about it, and that means doing something. Moses and Aaron did what the Lord said. Why wouldn't we have to do the same? 

Example 1, Exodus 7:10: Moses and Aaron went to Pharoah and did just as the Lord commanded.

What did they do? Whatever Father told them to do. Go read it. 

A cartoon-style image created in Microsoft Designer of two dark-skinned men from Bible days in a blurred desert as the background. One man is a muscular elder with wavy gray hair and a staff in one hand. The other man is slightly younger and has brown hair, his hand holding up one of the older man's shoulders. Both men wear old, worn clothing, stand side by side in the desert, look expectantly to the heavens, and listen for God's call. 

You may want to know what he told me. Mind your business. Ha! But seriously, you reading this post is part of my command: Write. I've been writing all my life. Had a journal since my pre-teen years. I don't know about going back to re-read them, but I've been writing about how I felt and what I thought. Now, it's time to share. This is my obedience. 

The next thing I am doing is studying. The Word reminds us to study and show ourselves approved unto God, a workman who needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV). My deeper devotions and encounters with God allow me to create what is needed for this phase in my life - my marriage, family, and business. I have been in a season of preparation, and he is working out some kinks, which keeps me on my knees and in his face. 

So, let's look up the word do. What I love about the dictionary (.com) is that it gives real examples. 

- To perform an act, duty, or role (Do nothing until you hear the bell.)

- To execute, make, or prepare (Do a hauling job. I'll do the salad.)

- To accomplish, finish, or complete (He's already done his homework.) - This one is my favorite!

- To put forth, exert (Do your best.)

- To deal with, fix, clean, arrange, move, etc. (Do the dishes.)

- To explore, travel, or traverse (We did six miles today.)

- To serve, suffice for (This will do for now.)

- To translate or change (MGM did the book into a movie.)

With all these definitions, I could change the title to Execute It, Make It, Finish It, Deal With It, Change It. And finally, based on Philippians 1:6 NIV, I am sure God will add to my doing. It is written, "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

Example 2 is from Numbers 16:28 - Then Moses said, "This is how you will know that the Lord has sent me to do all these things..." 

How will I know? Skip to James 1:4 NIV when we get this friendly reminder: "Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." 

In Lamen's terms, today's title is really, Don't Be Lazy. It's more for me than you, but I do have two more scriptures to back me up. If you read my ten-code post a few days ago, you should be chuckling about the revelation I got from Proverbs. 

Hebrews 6:12: We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. 

This is a good one to practice that faith muscle we've been given. It all started with a mustard seed, but do you ever wonder how some people get what they ask for? Why it seems so easy for them? I think now that it's because they weren't lazy and because they had some pretty good examples who, through faith and patience, inherited what was promised. This gives me hope that people have already done what I'm trying to do. They already asked for it, hoped for it, believed for it, worked for it - and got it! It's my turn. I just have to be patient. 

Proverbs 10:4: Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth. 

This one puts the pep back in my step to take action. I have to do it. It is my duty. And no one wants to be off the struggle bus more than me. So, to make it to the next stop and hop off the bus for good, I cannot be lazy. It's time to get to work. 

Love ya'll. Thanks for stopping by #notjustaclassroom blog today. 

Share the Word with a friend, and stay tuned for the email subscription list. 😉

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