Saturday, July 3, 2021

Do What Is Pleasing

 Hey guys. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed. Today, I went to three webinars - on a Saturday! The first one started at 10AM EST but I missed it because I am in a different time zone. The second one was 30 minutes later, so I made it on time and got some cool pointers. And the third one was an hour after that on how to clean up my Gmail via settings. Anyone ever heard of Simplek12? I linked their information, so feel free to check them out at your convenience. 

Maybe I'm feeling a little tight wound because I stayed up to 5AM working on my bullet journal spread for July. Honestly, it's like my calming, quiet place. But then I get so analytical and meticulous about it that it turns into a must-do chore rather than a self-care relaxation activity. But I'll share the pics anyway so you can see. 

In about an hour I'll need to get up and out the door. I'm meeting a friend for lunch on this rainy afternoon but I know I need to do some intentional reading and praying first. Journaling is already done. So, here's what I wanted to share with you today: it doesn't matter how many times you start over, do what God told you to do. 

Last week Sunday, we had Pastor Keith Moore as a guest speaker, and the entire message was so simplistic to answer the age-old question: why are you here? What is your purpose? 
Wanna know the simplest answer? To please God. 

Shut the front door! Turn off the lights. Close the book. Next chapter! I said it. That's it. Well, technically he said it, and that should be a capital H! Our sole purpose on this earth is to please God. When I heard those words last Sunday, I don't even think I wrote them in my Bible journal until two sentences later. LOL It was so freeing, so weight lifting, such a burden removed to know that all I am here to do is please God. 

If we have anything in common, maybe you're a go getter who holds a hefty skill set. And sometimes with all those abilities and capabilities, you're wondering what you should do with all you've acquired. I am high school Spanish teacher (currently in transition for something else), a technology lead teacher, a Twitter chat moderator, a creative (dabbling now into building websites), a presenter/ speaker, a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert Fellow ... those are just some of the professional things I do. I enjoy hand lettering. I translate and/or interpret at my church. I am a budding Polyglot with a 77-day streak so far on the DuoLingo app. So anyway, with all these "things" I wonder, what am I doing with them? Who am I reaching? Why do I like them all so much. And guess what last Sunday's message revealed through God's Word: He granted me the skillset to do all of these things - wait for it - to please Him! Bingo! 

So, even on today, I know why I'm feeling anxious and overwhelmed. It's because I haven't read my Bible or done my prayer journal. I started the day jumping onto the computer to login and now I'm writing to you one of my sporadic posts after watching a YouTuber explain why everyone needs a web site; and I know I need to go spend some quality time with my Father. 

Well, that's it. That's my time for today. I even created a content planner page in my bullet journal so I can determine when to post and about what - on all the pages I now have. You'll definitely be able to connect with me sooner than later EVERYWHERE! Hahahaha There are so many handles! I'm off to do what I know will please Him! Enjoy the rest of your Saturday, and be sure to do what is pleasing in the eyes of our Father. 



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