Wednesday, December 11, 2024

How to Embrace Humble Beginnings and Trust God's Timing


I looked at the desk. There were books everywhere. Some opened. Some closed. Some stacked. Two journals lay there with ink pen markings scribbled everywhere and doodles with arrows next to them to remind me to write this verse down and that word with this verse. My composition notebook was opened, too, halfway. I scribbled in blue and black ink the dates to watch branding website videos and reminders of PDFs to download while I watched. There were YouTube video captions and titles, email list options for automatic customer relationship management sites, and links to free masterclasses on podcasting, growing Instagram numbers, and Etsy marketing. Of course, the laptop was open, staring at me with the Blogger site open, along with 13 other tabs calling my attention. Where do I start? 

I took a picture to take it all in and heard the Lord whisper, "Do not despise small beginnings." 

At first, the scripture of my youth came to mind— the one that talks about a time and place for everything in Ecclesiastes. The verse tells you to be happy while you are young (Ecc. 11:9). But I'm past youth age. Still, I'm the youngest of many, though. Just sayin'. First Timothy 4:12 spoke about taking heed to your ministry. I knew the word despise was in the scripture, but I could have sworn there was another one I was missing. Zechariah 4:10 is what I was looking for: "Do not despise this small beginning, for the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin..." (Living Bible Translation)

Today, I "rested" in knowing it was okay to begin again. Rested is in quotations because I would have loved to take a literal nap, but I wasn't referring to sleep. I rested knowing what God's Word promised me. I rested in knowing that God said He was watching and rejoicing while I trusted Him so that I could begin again. 

Michael and I make eight months of marriage on December 20th. I am so excited! But beyond excitement is a feeling of gratitude because I wouldn't want to do this life alone now that he's in the picture. In February, when Mom passed, God sent Michael to me after one year of courting, and soon, I'd have to change my life. I'd leave the south, hot, sunkissed, good food and friends Louisiana, where I spent the past 16 years working in education for cold-mountain-snowing in the spring, bland food, but friendly hugs-Colorado, where I'd start a new business, have new church family, be in a new area with my new husband, in our new house. I didn't think I was ready. But God knew. 

When I looked at the desk pile today, I wanted to fall to my knees, but I went to Chat GPT instead. Study time! The prompt I typed was: "Good morning. Can you help me find Bible stories that resemble Zacariah 4:10—not despising small beginnings?"

The return I got from that prompt gave me over 15 scriptures, and then I got caught up reading for myself before attempting this blog post. I marveled at all the examples in the Word to remind us of God's faithfulness and how we aren't the only ones who had to start small. 

1. 1 Samuel 16:11-13 - David's early days as a shepherd. You do know little ole Dave was the one who slayed the giant Goliath with three rocks, right? He was the one who was looked over when Samuel came to the house and rejected him among all his brothers. Nobody wanted a scrawny shepherd boy who scared away wolves and reigned in herds of sheep. And then, David is the one who was known to be a man after God's own heart. He started off playing the harp and lyre under King Saul. Later on down the line, we see him rise to King David. Small beginnings. 

2. Judges 6-7—Gideon and the 300 warriors. Before he moved, Gideon asked God about four times to prove He was God. He's the one who asked God to wet the cloth with the morning dew. When Gideon finally accepted his strength and God's call to him to lessen the number of warriors, he obeyed and got to work. 

3. 2 Kings 4:1-7 - The widow's oil. Her husband revered the Lord, but he died, and he was in debt, so her two sons were going to be enslaved to pay the creditor. Elisha came and told her to knock on all of her neighbor's doors and collect jars of clay. With her one tiny jar of olive oil, she shut the door and filled every jar she had from all around. When the jars ran out, the oil stopped. Talk about a small beginning. How do you go from one jar to many? What a miracle. 

4. John 6:1-14 - The feeding of the 5,000. 

5. Exodus 4:1-17 - Moses and his staff. This story was one I had to read again. How many times did the Lord tell Moses to get up, but Moses kept downplaying himself? He had to work miracles with his hands. Finally, the revelation came in verse 12 when God said, "Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say." And what was Moses known for? Leading the people to the Promised Land. He didn't enter in, but that's another story. We'll focus on the part of the small beginning here. 

6. Matthew 13:31-32 - The parable of the mustard seed. Our faith is supposed to be this small - at the start. But a mustard seed can grow into a large tree - where birds can rest, that provides shade to home, and is a resource of many things. 

7. Genesis 37-41 - Joseph's journey from the prison to the palace. You already know this one. The coat of many colors. Sold into slavery by his own brothers. They played him. But ultimately, he ruled because he was faithful to the Lord. Talk about small beginnings and rough ones, too!

8. Ruth 2-4 - The story of Ruth and Boaz, her faithful gleaning and his preparation. This is a story of loyalty. Later on, she became a queen. 

9. 1 Samuel 3 - Samuel's calling as a child. 

10. Mark 12:41-44 - the widow's offering. Don't get this one twisted with the widow and the clay jars. It hits differently here because now we are talking about the fear of the Lord, as in reverence and sacrifice. She gave more than the rich because she gave out of what she had.  

11. Esther 2-9 - Esther's rise from orphan to queen. 

12. Luke 2:1-7 - Jesus's birth in a manger. It's Christmas time. You know the story. From "baby Jesus" to BIG God. That's it. 

13. 1 Kings 18:41-45 - Elijah's small cloud of rain. We are talking about a miracle-working God who hears us before we even ask what's next. 

14. Matthew 4:18-22 - From fishers to fishers of men. The disciples all had varied backgrounds, but fishermen becoming God's chosen ones? Definitely small beginnings. 

15. 1 Kings 17:7-16- The widow of Zarephath and the flour and oil to make bread. C'mon Jesus! God will use what you're working with - if you let Him!

I'm going to stop here for now and post because it's too good! I'll add the examples I found from Chat GPT to the post later. Drop your responses in the comments if you know any of these stories or if one may even sound like yours! 

Do not despise THIS small beginning. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

New Background


7 Must-Read Scriptures to Overcome Lazy Habits

I could start by giving you a more fancy title like How to Get Rid of Laziness for Good or The #1 Mistake Most Believers Make in Business. But the truth of the matter is there is only ONE answer - Jesus. Yeah, we're already jumping in and getting "spiritual." You know what you came here for when you clicked the link. Ha! God gave Nike inspiration before it was even a brand. The first user was Moses when he heard the command to "just do it." LOL 

I'll prove it to you, but you should read the entire scripture/ passage in context for yourself. 

God has been speaking to me lately. At first, I thought he wasn't saying anything, but I got spiritual downloads and confirmations of things I knew I could do and should do. I was getting gentle nudges, but he started pushing harder after a while because I'd been dragging my feet, second-guessing what he'd already placed in me. Let today's post encourage you to get up and do what he told you to do. No questions asked. God isn't mad when we get a little fearful or second-guess ourselves, but he gets downright aggravated and annoyed when we start making him seem powerless when that is the complete opposite of his character. 

To be found faithful, obedience is necessary. And to be obedient, action is needed. I can't just talk or pray about it - only. I have to be about it, and that means doing something. Moses and Aaron did what the Lord said. Why wouldn't we have to do the same? 

Example 1, Exodus 7:10: Moses and Aaron went to Pharoah and did just as the Lord commanded.

What did they do? Whatever Father told them to do. Go read it. 

A cartoon-style image created in Microsoft Designer of two dark-skinned men from Bible days in a blurred desert as the background. One man is a muscular elder with wavy gray hair and a staff in one hand. The other man is slightly younger and has brown hair, his hand holding up one of the older man's shoulders. Both men wear old, worn clothing, stand side by side in the desert, look expectantly to the heavens, and listen for God's call. 

You may want to know what he told me. Mind your business. Ha! But seriously, you reading this post is part of my command: Write. I've been writing all my life. Had a journal since my pre-teen years. I don't know about going back to re-read them, but I've been writing about how I felt and what I thought. Now, it's time to share. This is my obedience. 

The next thing I am doing is studying. The Word reminds us to study and show ourselves approved unto God, a workman who needs not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15 KJV). My deeper devotions and encounters with God allow me to create what is needed for this phase in my life - my marriage, family, and business. I have been in a season of preparation, and he is working out some kinks, which keeps me on my knees and in his face. 

So, let's look up the word do. What I love about the dictionary (.com) is that it gives real examples. 

- To perform an act, duty, or role (Do nothing until you hear the bell.)

- To execute, make, or prepare (Do a hauling job. I'll do the salad.)

- To accomplish, finish, or complete (He's already done his homework.) - This one is my favorite!

- To put forth, exert (Do your best.)

- To deal with, fix, clean, arrange, move, etc. (Do the dishes.)

- To explore, travel, or traverse (We did six miles today.)

- To serve, suffice for (This will do for now.)

- To translate or change (MGM did the book into a movie.)

With all these definitions, I could change the title to Execute It, Make It, Finish It, Deal With It, Change It. And finally, based on Philippians 1:6 NIV, I am sure God will add to my doing. It is written, "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

Example 2 is from Numbers 16:28 - Then Moses said, "This is how you will know that the Lord has sent me to do all these things..." 

How will I know? Skip to James 1:4 NIV when we get this friendly reminder: "Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." 

In Lamen's terms, today's title is really, Don't Be Lazy. It's more for me than you, but I do have two more scriptures to back me up. If you read my ten-code post a few days ago, you should be chuckling about the revelation I got from Proverbs. 

Hebrews 6:12: We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. 

This is a good one to practice that faith muscle we've been given. It all started with a mustard seed, but do you ever wonder how some people get what they ask for? Why it seems so easy for them? I think now that it's because they weren't lazy and because they had some pretty good examples who, through faith and patience, inherited what was promised. This gives me hope that people have already done what I'm trying to do. They already asked for it, hoped for it, believed for it, worked for it - and got it! It's my turn. I just have to be patient. 

Proverbs 10:4: Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth. 

This one puts the pep back in my step to take action. I have to do it. It is my duty. And no one wants to be off the struggle bus more than me. So, to make it to the next stop and hop off the bus for good, I cannot be lazy. It's time to get to work. 

Love ya'll. Thanks for stopping by #notjustaclassroom blog today. 

Share the Word with a friend, and stay tuned for the email subscription list. 😉

New Identity Affirmation Cards drop TODAY on my Etsy Shop --- 

#notjustaclassroomblog #newpost #newblog #businessowner #blogger #believer #encouragement #biblicalencouragment #bibleverses #scriptures #motivation #moses #doit #patience #perseverance 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Father, What Do You Want Me to Know?

 12:53 p.m.

Monday, December 9th, 2024

I've kept a journal my entire life since junior high school, I think. There is a colossal box downstairs with more than 15 journals. I feel some way about having a burn party and lighting a flame to all those memories, but I also don't go back to re-read them. Not only would I consider it a bit "cringy," but I also don't know what kind of headspace I would stumble upon all these years later. We've all done dirt, but to read your own and still have free access to read it voluntarily seems like a weird punishment. 

Anyway, I'm at a crossroads right now. It's a beautiful one, but I'm lost. It's the feeling I had when I first arrived in Louisiana in 2006 after Hurricane Katrina. I came from Georgia, where I'd spent eight years as an almost peach - that's what you become if you live in Georgia for at least 10 years - studying print journalism and Spanish at Clark Atlanta University. I wanted to "make it" out there, so I stayed after getting my two bachelor's degrees and worked three jobs. I was a bilingual receptionist with AirTran Airways, an editor at Spanish-English newspaper Atlanta Latino, and a copyeditor elsewhere. The name escapes me; it's been so long ago. No car - MARTA (the public transportation system) went everywhere. 

My brother was stationed in the Navy and headed to Louisiana. He said he'd have a chance to see Maw Maw (that's how we say grandma in New Orleans) and that he was moving there with my sister (in-law) and my nephews. I told him, "Good luck," but your girl was not moving to hot Lewziana! We visited two, maybe three times when we were younger. Well, he visited every summer. But I recall fewer visits; each was an unbearable heat. Summertime was just weird. Why wasn't the wind blowing? Why was it that hot? And the one summer my cousin Julius had an asthma attack, that was it for me. "Pass. I'm definitely not coming," I told him. 

We are both pretty set in our ways once a decision is made, so he kept asking. I kept denying it, but my situation in Atlanta wasn't improving. Rotating jobs for barely any pay didn't seem wise, so on the Fourth of July weekend, I packed up my one-bedroom apartment in Decatur and drove to LaPlace, LA. 

I stayed for 17 years until my husband came to get me in 2024. We are in Colorado now, and I'm so happy. The thing is, I'm not working. Well, not the traditional 9-to-5 I had while in education in Louisiana. I'm working on my own business now, which is exciting but scary and frustrating sometimes. Especially since we're living on one income - his. 

What a blessing to say that I don't have to work and be supported by my husband at home to pursue my heart's desire and our wish to build generational wealth. The process, though, is not for the faint at heart. One of the quotes I have in my journal is from Dr. Dee Dee Freeman. "Keep your focus on the promise, not the process," she said. Whew. That's a mouthful. What did God say? What did He tell you? What did He tell me? Looking at what everyone else is doing or saying only lengthens the process and distracts you from the promise. 

Just today, I was about to get into my feelings. I was doing all this research, looking at items on Pinterest: How to Partner with God in Business, How to Start a Blog in Less Than 20 Minutes, How to Make $50,000 a Month Blogging, How to Start a Print on Demand and Etsy Business from Scratch. 
Then, I walked downstairs and looked at my bookshelf to check out some publishing companies. Maybe I'd get some ideas of what websites looked like from them. And the more I researched and scrolled through pages, the more aggravated and overwhelmed I became. 
I thought, Why is this taking so long? What am I missing? I know how to create. I just need to know how to make it work for me and how to put it out there so people know what I do.

Then, my husband called. Perfect time to vent. I listened to him share his heart, too. As an elementary school principal, he's got his share of stories. After I voiced everything I'd done, I told him, "I need to get into my prayer closet." 

So, here's what I have. 

I read these scriptures out loud on repeat and added affirmations to them:
  1. I have whatever I ask for. Matthew 21:22
    If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. 

  2.  My gift [love of languages, copyediting, logo/graphic/journal design, and technology corporate training] makes room for me and puts me in front of important people. Proverbs 18:16
    A person's gift makes room for him and leads him before important people. 

  3. God answers me when I seek Him. I don't have to be afraid. Psalms 34:4
    I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. 

  4. Failure is not an option. Psalms 46:5
    God is within her; she will not fall. 

  5. God's hand is on my business(es). Extra hours don't mean a thing. Proverbs 10:22
    The Lord's blessing is our greatest wealth. All our work adds nothing to it. 

  6. Father knows what I need before I say a word. Matthew 6:8
    Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

  7. You can't even imagine what's coming next! 1 Corinthians 2:9
    No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor mind imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. 

  8. Jesus listens to me. Jeremiah 29:12
    Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 

  9. My mind does not wander. My thoughts are on Jesus. 2 Corinthians 10:5
    We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

  10. I go to God for help and he gives me every good thing. Psalms 34:10 
    But those people who go to the Lord for help will have every good thing. 
You can find these scriptures, the quote above, and more inspiration in my dot and lined journals and affirmation cards in my Etsy Shop at

Follow me on Instagram at notjustaclassroomblog. 

Thanks for stopping by. Ask Father what He wants you to know. 

#notjustaclassroomblog #newblogger #howto #etsyshop #lingolines #journals #bulletsjournals #linedjournals #affirmationcards #quotes #motivationalquotes #inspirationalquotes #scriptures #bibleverses #copyeditor #graphicdesigner #edtechtrainer #technologytrainer #translator #interpreter #newbusiness #businessowner #bigbusinessowner #generationalwealth 

Friday, December 6, 2024


I drafted an image prompt of a Black woman in uniform kneeling with a radio in hand and a Bible opened before her. A church is blurred in the background as she looks up in prayer, acknowledging that she is listening to the Lord's instructions and understands the assignment by faith.

I used to be a 911 dispatcher years ago when I first moved to Louisiana. I didn't know what I wanted to do or be, but I needed a job. The communications commander looked at my resume and then at me. 

"Why are you here?" She asked. "You can go work for the FBI. " Her tone wasn't condescending, and she wasn't dismissing me. It was a genuine ask, maybe to protect their turnaround rate. 

I'm not sure where they (the FBI) are even located, and I live down the street. I thought. Why is she trying to get rid of good help? Besides, I need a job.

When I started, we were given a mini booklet of ten-codes. There were a billion of them, seriously. And within a certain amount of time after my 90-day probation period, I was supposed to have them all memorized. 

Fast forward 17 years later, and I was reminded of "10-4." 

This is the code that means, "OK, I understand." It acknowledges the assignment or task and is a response to signify, "Message received. You got it." Deputy officers used it all the time when they arrived on the scene. Dispatchers quickly responded to recognize their safety. Fire department staff would call in over the radio to alert us of the next steps or people we needed to notify. Then, we gave our confirmation: The message was received. Assignment understood. Copy that. "10-4."

I'm in a whole new world now—a new state, a new marriage, a new last name, a new career, a new family, and a new church home. Like this blog post, everything is new, so I asked God, "What am I doing?" What is the assignment? What am I supposed to do with all this stuff you gave me? (And by stuff, I mean gifts and talents.)

Somehow I ended up in Proverbs, one of the wisdom books, because I had too many questions than He was dishing out answers. But the response is always simple. It's always easy. Don't be lazy. 

The scripture reads, "Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth." This is the New International Version of Proverbs 10:4. 

I hovered my finger over the first line of the verse, and then I looked up and almost burst out laughing. 
"Ok, Jesus. 10-4. You got me." I smiled. "I get it." 

Do you get it? One of the wisdom books, Proverbs, is giving us a directive to not be lazy. And our response to Father should be, "Yes, Lord, I'll obey. Message received. Copy that. 10-4."  

I would say I'm everything but lazy. Your girl has worked a 9-to-5 since been, with extended hours. I've created logos for educational and company brands, designed and managed social media posts, edited books, trained colleagues, traveled and presented at in-person and virtual conferences, interpreted for families and international guests, translated materials, supported health initiatives, and originated forms and plans - for others. 

And I heard Him say again, "Don't be lazy." This time, it was for myself. I can spend hours on tasks in create mode for someone else's website, but what about my own dream? When are you going to support yourself? 

"Ouch. Copy that, Jesus." 

"Do you want to see everything I have for you? Do you want my Words to manifest in your life? Do you want my purpose and plan for you to come alive? Well, get to work." 

Dang. I said in my head. Alright. LOL. Whew. He was getting real stern, but He had my attention. 

He kept going. "Go build your own website, clean up your own social media pages, brand and market your own skills, train your own clients, write your own book, and tell your own story. Work with what I gave you and do what I told you to do."  

"Yes, Lord." 

So, below, I'm leaving you with a few ten-codes, The Bible Edition.

Drop me a line and let me know what you think about the post. Are you 10-4 with what God is telling you for your life? 

Another AI-generated image of a Black woman in a green uniform lying on her stomach, holding a radio with an open Bible before her and a transmitter on the side.
A blurred church is in the background.

Bible 10-Codes:

  • Leviticus (10:3) - Stop Transmitting. Be still.
    "Moses then said to Aaron, 'This is what the Lord spoke of when he said: Among those who approach me I will be proved holy; in the sight of all the people I will be honored.' Aaron remained silent.

  • Proverbs (10:4) - Affirmative (OK) [Assignment understood.]
    Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth.

  • 1 Samuel (10:6) - Change Status
    The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person. 

  • Joshua (10:8) - In Service, Operational
    Do not be afraid of them; I have given them into your hand. None of them will be able to withstand you.

  • John (10:10) - Fight in progress 
    The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
    *This one is my favorite. Let's go! California roots shine through. Earrings out. Squabble. LOL

  • 2 Samuel (10:12) - Standby. Be prepared. 
    Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight.

  • Matthew (10:16) - Domestic disturbance
    I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

    The Message Bible Translation is a little more vibrant with this verse: Stay alert. This is hazardous work I’m assigning you. You’re going to be like sheep running through a wolf pack, so don’t call attention to yourselves. Be as shrewd as a snake, inoffensive as a dove.

            My dear friends, I hope you've understood the assignment. Thanks for stopping by! 



Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Don't Be Moved by What You See

Today is Wednesday, December 4th, 2024. Yesterday marked nine months since Mom's transition from this earth, which probably explains why I was in the mood to look at her photo from the service and read through the obituary and other items that I haven't looked at in a while. 

I called Daddy to check in on him. He made 76 in November. After looking over Mom's obituary that I wrote, I noticed I hadn't added him as a part of her life detailed in a one-pager. Her name was still Taylor, but the person who gave it to her was not mentioned. I only wrote of Joe and I as her loves, her children. But I believe she was fortunate enough to have really loved twice in this life. I asked Daddy what he thought about the service, the program, the repast, and if he even noticed I hadn't mentioned him. But he didn't seem concerned at all about it. He went on and on about how Joe and I sent our mother to her heavenly home with such care and professionalism. My brother handled all of the financials. He'd just come down the month before because we were in the hospital and had to move Mom to a nursing home to get her strength. That's what they told us. Neither of us thought that facility would be the home of our goodbyes. Anyway, Daddy talked about how beautiful the service was. To a certain point, I didn't want to be offensive to Yvonne either. I don't necessarily like the term stepmother, but some time has passed, and our relationship is authentic. I wanted to honor my mother and not disrespect my father. I think my brother and I did that for the homegoing service. 

The first invitation of Mom's homegoing that we posted.

            Mom and I in our twenties. 

Lately, I have been looking at many things with human eyes: faith, food, fertility. For whatever reason, I have also been paying more attention to numbers. 

I cooked and made an Instagram reel titled "What I Didn't Burn Down Today." Ha! Some church friends said I should start a YouTube channel because I always talk about my kitchen endeavors. I really try my hand at cooking. It is not my thing, but I am determined. In my mind, I think, "Girl, you were in Louisiana for 17 years. What is there to show for it? Absolutely Nathan." 

So, I saw today's recipe on Pinterest. It was baked chicken, and the photo looked good. I initially researched some crockpot recipes. Those don't seem as hard to mess up. The oven or stove-top is not my specialty. I must be heavy-handed with seasoning or not pay attention to the clock, but my stuff doesn't ever seem to come out like the picture, much like on Monday. The entire recipe was so simple. I had eight chicken thighs, mayonnaise, mustard, breadcrumbs, Italian seasoning, Parmesan cheese, garlic powder, and black pepper. That was easy. The picture, however, had an image of smooth, baked chicken. It looked juicy, like it had marinated in the oven for hours, with chicken falling off the bone. 

My remake was breaded and a little sloppy, if I'm describing it honestly. The first ingredients to pair up were the mayo and mustard. I whipped the two together as a coating for the chicken and then patted it into the breadcrumb batter with the other seasonings. I followed the recipe but was still confused about what it looked like. The end product looked nothing like the picture I'd pinned, but I'm ok because my husband was a happy camper. He kissed my forehead after the first bite and told me I'd done good. 

If I had focused on the pinned picture rather than walking through the steps, I wouldn't have finished baking the chicken. 

Life is a lot like cooking. The ingredients are mixed together every day—a little bit of good news sprinkled with a pinch of bad news. Season some death this year and add doubt the next. But my faith walk is more than what I see. At least, that is what it is supposed to be. We cannot be moved by what's in front of us, by what we see with our natural eye. We are to look at life through a lens of faith. 

Michael (the husband) and I are family planning. We want twins, and by the way it's looking naturally, we have some serious odds stacked against us. Silly me got into my feelings this week because I saw something unexpected—my cycle. I skipped my way through November with nothing, but I didn't say a word, as if I would jinx God's plan. Then December 1st came, and it was like the Red Sea. Ugh. 

I ugly cried the first day as I doubled over with cramps. I hadn't experienced cramps since my college years, honestly. I was mad at myself more than God. And then He spoke to me. 

"You can't get flustered every time it doesn't look the way you want it to." That isn't faith, he told me. 

"You can't say you trust me, rely solely on me, believe I've got your back, and then whine when I do what I do." 

Ouch. That's what the late Elder Miller told us to tell ourselves when it felt like he was stepping on our toes during a Sunday sermon. The Lord was right. 

Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6 NIV). I like the way the Message Translation reads verses five and six: "We know on the basis of reliable testimony that before [Enoch] was taken, he pleased God. It's impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him." 

This is what I mean when I say don't be moved by what you see. Have faith that believes God is real and that he is concerned enough to come see about and acknowledge you with a response.  

No matter what it looks like on the outside with my human eyes, I am not worried because I have put on my spiritual frames. I see by faith, and God's response to his favorite child is yes and Amen!

In Jesus we hear a resounding "yes" to all of God's many promises. This is the reason we say "Amen" to and through Jesus when giving glory to God (2 Corinthians 1:20 The Voice Translation). 

Don't be moved by what you see. Speak God's Word to your situation and put on your faith frames. 


The Instagram reel cover of the recipe I found on Pinterest of baked chicken versus how mine looked using the actual ingredients - with breadcrumbs.

Monday, October 21, 2024

God is Doing Something NEW!

I've been gone for a few years, but I'm back! I've got a new email signature and everything. This Blogger site is still under construction while I work on my live website. Crafting a name and making sure it's available is quite an adventure. 

The new project services my company, NBC, Nelann Bateman Consulting, provides are translation and interpretation in Spanish, Portuguese, and French to and from English; design of logos, templates for flyers, video editing and social media posts; copyediting and proofreading of novels, devotionals, and technical scripts; customizable journal design; and corporate training using educational technology tools to connect with the multilingual community. 

Thanks for being here!

Stay tuned for more content and give my new Instagram Page a follow: notjustaclassroomblog

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Faith Comes by Hearing

 Every month, our church members get a partner letter from the founder when he expounds a little bit more on what the Lord shares with him for the ministry and everyday life. For August, I'm not sure why it took me so long to open my mail (I'm not really a mail fan, ya'll, seriously - not paper snail mail or e-mail). But today, I woke up early for the weekend (7 a.m.) and wanted to get some reading done.

For whatever reason, my mind always takes a Biblical principle and relates it to the classroom - my classroom to be quite specific. I teach high schoolers to acquire Spanish and we use a ton of technology to excite and engage each other in the process. 

Believers talk a lot about faith but I'm not sure if we've learned how to really access it. You see, we all were not necessarily born with it, but we were given it once we popped out and figured out we had an imagination. We've each received a measure of faith. (Romans 12:3) That means we each can make it grow or not, depending on what we do with our faith, more specifically, according to Romans 10:17, we increase in faith by what we hear. 

How does this relate to my world language classroom and why did I revel in this Aha! moment earlier? It's because faith builds confidence! The more you hear it, see it, read it, witness it, experience it, the more you understand it, get it and naturally walk in it! This is what is considered acquisition (something happening subconsciously and without forced effort) versus learning (a conscious effort to pay attention to structures). And so, in an acquisition-driven language environment, the same principle holds true for our students. They must constantly hear (read, see, witness in context, experience culture comparisons and differences) in the target language in order to receive faith - the confidence to actually spit it back out in meaningful and understandable context! 

This morning's epiphany helped me better understand the purpose behind what we all want to happen in our classrooms: the engagement, the motivation, the understanding, the desire to openly share and communicate. It all comes and lines up when our students are confident about what they have acquired through your constant OUTpouring of INput! 

For this reason, we do storytelling, story listening, read alouds, music listening to lyrics, clip chats and/or movie talks. In order to maintain a 90% classroom in the target language, our students must interact daily with one or more of these tasks to continually receive input, so that when we do decide to have story asking (yes, it is different from story listening and I recently realized that too!) or after we just finished a special person interview, we don't get blank stares and glossy eyes, instead we get real words and gestures in return, smiling faces and the like. 

It's the FAITH for me! It's a confidence booster. It's a sentence starter, builder and completer! After I've done all I know to do with pouring the language into my students, all I'll have to do is sit back and watch them (hear them, see them) communicate with me everything their hearts can muster in the target language! 

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word! Be sure to jump into a scripture today. Hold on to it and watch your confidence sky rocket! 🤙🏾


Monday, July 5, 2021

Control Yourself. Boundaries.

 I was "today years old" when I learned that I decide my own boundaries. Jaw drop. 

This might be something already familiar to many of you, but to me, for the past month or so, I have been growing personally within myself. It's like God is revealing some serious stuff to me and I (insert claps) am (more claps) here (clap) for (one more clap) it! 👏 Not quite sure how to add brown skin claps on Blogger, so clearly, that's another post. LOL 

Anywho, this whole growth thing is freeing! Today marked the first of a five-day conference, of which I am too thrilled to have been given the opportunity to share (present) again. I'm a techie by nature, which is so different for so many; but basically, I get to use cool apps for teaching and I try to sike out my students and colleagues to love ALL the tech tools like me. 

This morning, I opened the conference schedule, which is beautimus! (No typo.) It is so neat and colorful with tons of links and access points for presenters and attendees. I pulled out my tablet to a fresh page and began mapping out which sessions I would check out all week: 
Beginner French (for teachers) at 8 a.m., debrief right after for 30 minutes. Zumba at 10 something for 45 minutes. Break, although "lunch and learn"-type meetings were open. Workshop number one at 12:30 p.m. Workshop number two at 2 p.m. Facebook posts. Padlet. All the social media sites. Happy Hour/ Meet and Greet with attendees and presenters at 6 p.m. 

Do you get it? Do you understand how I felt, why I felt that way? Does it seem like too much to you? What would you have done? I kind of mapped out my schedule, but I literally spent a good hour reading bios to determine which sessions I would choose over the other, and I felt myself getting anxious again when I couldn't pick just one. My chest started hurting - seriously. I stared at my computer screen and then I decided to take a walk. Figured I had time to clear my mind before Workshop #1. And here's the kicker: all of the sessions were being recorded and I'd have an entire six months to watch the ALL at my own leisure! So why was I freaking out?

Then, 12:30 p.m. came. I left my screen tabs open but I couldn't find the link into the Workshop #1 session! I searched Facebook, attempted to re-log back in on the web site, personal messaged a few people, but it was a hopeless attempt. By the time help came my way, about 20 minutes into the session, I was frazzled and kind of aggravated at my own self that I'd missed the intro and probably some great information. Then, my phone rang and a good friend called. I shared how I'd just logged in and was getting situated into Day 1 of the first workshop and he listened intently. And then I said, "... but I'm not even really paying attention." And that's when I realized it: I create my own boundaries, and I also get to determine how I feel and how I got that way. Being anxious and overwhelmed and frazzled and upset was NOT how I wanted to feel today or any day; and to change that narrative I had to make a decision, a choice to leave the meeting. There weren't really many options to weigh but in the moment it can be paralyzing. Sometimes the simplest of choices for one seem like life or death for others. 

With my friend patiently on standby, I clicked the red "Leave" button and exited the online meeting. I let out a deep breath of relief. That's it. He said he was proud of me, and I felt proud of myself too. "Do what is best for your mental well-being!" wrote one of my Twitter friends. "'No,' when used properly, is as beautiful as it is powerful! Good for you!" another Twitter peep posted. 

Lesson learned: You don't have to be everywhere or in all of the things all of the time. 

Can you relate? Are you a #conferencejunkie but secretly get worked up? Enneagram three living. 

Drop me a line below and let me know how you're creating your own self-control boundaries. 

#notjustaclassroomblog #enneagram3 #selfcontrol #boundaries #IamOK #IcansayNO

Twitter post: @ladylanguage411

Preparing for today's first class of beginner level French online, (from top journal to bottom layer) my bullet journal, my prayer/ devotional journal, the color-coded tablet for today's class and workshops.

How I felt - accomplished - after I closed the computer and took a walk in between classes. There were no weights lifted in this picture, but the smile and the sense of doing something for me is beaming. 

Snapchat filter for the win! #conferencejunkie My face once the final workshop of the day ended. 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Do What Is Pleasing

 Hey guys. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed. Today, I went to three webinars - on a Saturday! The first one started at 10AM EST but I missed it because I am in a different time zone. The second one was 30 minutes later, so I made it on time and got some cool pointers. And the third one was an hour after that on how to clean up my Gmail via settings. Anyone ever heard of Simplek12? I linked their information, so feel free to check them out at your convenience. 

Maybe I'm feeling a little tight wound because I stayed up to 5AM working on my bullet journal spread for July. Honestly, it's like my calming, quiet place. But then I get so analytical and meticulous about it that it turns into a must-do chore rather than a self-care relaxation activity. But I'll share the pics anyway so you can see. 

In about an hour I'll need to get up and out the door. I'm meeting a friend for lunch on this rainy afternoon but I know I need to do some intentional reading and praying first. Journaling is already done. So, here's what I wanted to share with you today: it doesn't matter how many times you start over, do what God told you to do. 

Last week Sunday, we had Pastor Keith Moore as a guest speaker, and the entire message was so simplistic to answer the age-old question: why are you here? What is your purpose? 
Wanna know the simplest answer? To please God. 

Shut the front door! Turn off the lights. Close the book. Next chapter! I said it. That's it. Well, technically he said it, and that should be a capital H! Our sole purpose on this earth is to please God. When I heard those words last Sunday, I don't even think I wrote them in my Bible journal until two sentences later. LOL It was so freeing, so weight lifting, such a burden removed to know that all I am here to do is please God. 

If we have anything in common, maybe you're a go getter who holds a hefty skill set. And sometimes with all those abilities and capabilities, you're wondering what you should do with all you've acquired. I am high school Spanish teacher (currently in transition for something else), a technology lead teacher, a Twitter chat moderator, a creative (dabbling now into building websites), a presenter/ speaker, a Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert Fellow ... those are just some of the professional things I do. I enjoy hand lettering. I translate and/or interpret at my church. I am a budding Polyglot with a 77-day streak so far on the DuoLingo app. So anyway, with all these "things" I wonder, what am I doing with them? Who am I reaching? Why do I like them all so much. And guess what last Sunday's message revealed through God's Word: He granted me the skillset to do all of these things - wait for it - to please Him! Bingo! 

So, even on today, I know why I'm feeling anxious and overwhelmed. It's because I haven't read my Bible or done my prayer journal. I started the day jumping onto the computer to login and now I'm writing to you one of my sporadic posts after watching a YouTuber explain why everyone needs a web site; and I know I need to go spend some quality time with my Father. 

Well, that's it. That's my time for today. I even created a content planner page in my bullet journal so I can determine when to post and about what - on all the pages I now have. You'll definitely be able to connect with me sooner than later EVERYWHERE! Hahahaha There are so many handles! I'm off to do what I know will please Him! Enjoy the rest of your Saturday, and be sure to do what is pleasing in the eyes of our Father. 



Saturday, January 30, 2021

Now is the Time!


You want to know which #oneword I finally decided on? Look up. It's the English and Spanish version (pronounced lees-tah). In March 2020, our schools closed their buildings but our teacher hearts remained open. Throughout the summer of 2020, so many tech conferences were canceled and plans shifted as nations, vendors, gubernatorial forces figured out next steps. In August/September, the typical start of the majority's school year, virtual conferences were the new wave; and they were free! To close out the year of "Great Expectations Gets Great Results" (my church's 2020 theme), there was one virtual conference that captured my attention. 

#DitchSummit with J. Matt Miller. I actually met him in person, fan girling at #ISTE '18 or '19, I think! I met so many techie celebs that I grinned from ear to ear walking my 13 thousand daily steps around Philadelphia's Convention Center and downtown area! Big smiles for Flipgrid - I saw at least four green tents on the demo floor, and this rectangular screen where people were sharing mini videos of themselves and how their students' voices were being heard. Now, you can see my picture in the Discovery Library when you go to the page. I'm listed as an Inspiring Creator! I signed up to volunteer at the #ISTE conference and met the magic of the edu podcast for pre-service teachers with Dr. Samantha Fecich. We sat and talked for a bit at my little booth as she charged her phone to get to the next session. Then, there was #PassTheScopeEDU, a podcast crew out of  Texas led by Brian Romero Smith. He was already someone I followed on Twitter. I bumped into him walking down one of the many corridors at the mega fest, and told him I was interested in blogging; and then he invited me on his show! Man, I was walking into the light the entire conference! Anyway, let me come back to my original train of thought - Ditch Summit from the author of Ditch That Textbook. 

The very first session I watched was with a Spanish teacher, an award winner, a blogger, and just someone I related to instantly. A lot of times when I attend conferences, the connecting piece is technology integration; but to find another world language teacher with influence is always exciting. He had my attention at hello. He said (he'd heard from someone else year's ago), "Don't get ready, get started." I think that was even the name of the session - from 2004! The title jumped out at me. Not only was it catchy, the words were talking to me: Don't get ready. Get started. To me, it meant asking myself, how long before you launch? Go ahead and jump in. But if you know me, you'd realize that I was born a jumper. Not quite sure if it has anything to do with my enneagram (I'm a three with traits of a four); and I'm an Aries (we tend to be bull-headed leaders who go forth without seeing the full picture). The don't-get-ready part was already out the window because I lept last year! I finally started the blog. My work instagram page was already a networking factor. I began building in a new-to-me tool called Canva. My bullet journaling was coming along and helping me map out my time with intentionality; and I was creating more conference content to share globally. I'd already gotten started, but I still soaked up his words. 

Now, some virtual conferences later that I've shared at, I'll be presenting for the first time at Orange County Computer Using Educators Magical Mystery Fest Saturday, January 30. My presentation is about one of the engagement strategies I love creating - digital escape rooms with #MicrosoftEDU. And now, I've upped the ante and included digital escape scenes to my repertoire. I've seen the rave on YouTube with all my #GoogleEDU peeps and had to give it a go with the tools which I have access within the Microsoft platform - PowerPoint, OneNote notebook, Forms.

My friend told me, "Practice makes better" not perfect. All great things take time. The more time you put into your practice, the better the outcome. I am sharing as I go all the time that is spent on this blog, in my classroom, in building relationships, my brand. And I am READY to reap the benefits of all the time spent in practice. Have you started, and are you ready?

Terri Savelle Foy heard from the Lord years ago, "When I know you're ready, get ready." My motivational scripture to accompany my #oneword2021 is Genesis 27:40. The paraphrased version and interpreted revelation to me is, when you decide to move, nothing and no one will stop you! 


How to Embrace Humble Beginnings and Trust God's Timing

  I looked at the desk. There were books everywhere. Some opened. Some closed. Some stacked. Two journals lay there with ink pen markings sc...