Fear will have you write a check you don't want someone else to cash and have you stay in a situation longer than you wanted. The common saying for sin is that it will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay. We can say the same for fear. It is bondage. It is death. It is separation from Christ. Who wants that? Not me!
It's 2:22 a.m., and I am wide awake. My back is bothering me, but my mind is whirling. I didn't spend quality time with Jesus yesterday, and now I'm getting my download. Get up and get to work!
This same teapot on our dining room table with its inscription, "Walk by faith," is staring at me again this morning, and the message is becoming clearer: YOU are holding yourself back because YOU won't make a move. How long will you let the ideas stay inside your head? How many excuses will you make for not creating the design, finishing the website, or posting more listings in your Etsy Shop? How many YouTube videos do you need to watch to feel like you know what you're doing to start your own? You already have one, and you have content. How many templates, planners, or workspaces do you need for it to be go time? How many others will you watch live their dreams, create the podcast, write the book, be their best self, work as if it's play, and have their dreams before you realize what God has called you to do and to walk in yours?
I don't have a dime in my bank account. Well, maybe three. Ha! My husband is the only one working, and we overspent in December, so now we're playing catch-up. I want/ need a manicure, pedicure, and my hair done, but I'm hesitant to ask him because 1) I do not want to hear no, and 2) I want my business venture and ideas to pay for the things I like. I'm waiting on God to move, but clearly, he's looking at me like, "Whenever you're ready..." My ideas can't make money or bring any in if I don't put them out there. Nothing changes if nothing changes, and nothing moves if I don't move.
So, I'm wide awake and doing my best to move. I am not going to let fear grip my mind, my fingers, my desire, and my will to create! Today, I am walking by faith NOT fear!
On my Vision Board and Want List this year, there are 10 items. I did 10 last year, and the year before, so I know how to write the vision down and make it plain. This time around, I'm focused on two words: trust and steps. Really, the catchphrase is Trust His S.T.E.P.S.
And there are guiding scriptures, of course. This time, I am not only going to watch God work. I'm going to move so that He can match my strides! That's how this faith thing works, right? He won't move unless I move. When He sees I'm ready, He comes in to match me and do over and above what I was thinking.
1 Chronicles 5:20b - He answered their prayers because they trusted in him.
Isaiah 30:21 - Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way; walk in it."
Proverbs 4:26 - Give careful thought to the paths for your feet, and be steadfast in all your ways.
To trust means to have confidence in, reliance on, assurance in, and conviction about a thing.
To be steadfast means to be firm, steady, resolute, determined, dedicated, and unwavering.
This is how we go to God. This is how we know him. This is how he is pleased - when we consistently walk out our faith, speak his word back to him, and believe he will do what he said he would do.
I want to leave you with this. The Word reads in Luke 4:32 (NIV), "They were amazed at his teaching because his words had authority." Whatever comes out of MY mouth has authority because it comes from the Lord.
- I am a thriving business owner. I commit my work to the Lord, and my plans succeed.
(Proverbs 16:3) - My Etsy Shop has amazing, God-inspired creations. I am skilled in creating designs, logos, journals, and affirmation cards in several languages because God has filled me with his spirit, wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and all kinds of skills, and he has given me the ability to teach others. (Exodus 35:30-31, 34-35)
- God supplies my every need (Philippians 4:19-20) and gives me the desires of my heart (Psalms 37:4), so my design shop, website, and consulting business will flourish in 2025 in Jesus' name.
- I am blessed because I believe the Lord will fulfill his promises to me. (Luke 1:45)
- Every word I speak over my life, marriage, family, and business is blessed because no word from God will ever fail. (Luke 1:37)